
the blog

“things ex machina” – things out of the machine.

This page will showcase a different project of mine each week in the year 2021.
All designs will rely heavily on a desktop CNC-mill and a 3D-Printer.


I’m a technology enthusiast that got interested in bringing digital ideas to life a couple of years ago.
Unconventionally i started without any handtools and only a powerdrill and a diy cnc-mill in my basement.
I upgraded to a small garage-type-workshop and bought the tools necessary for every ongoing project.

I gained my knowledge in designing things while getting my Engineering Master in Berlin.

All my designs are heavily reliant on modern automated machining processes. More precisely on cnc-milling and FDM 3D-printing.


CAD/CAM: Autodesk Fusion360
Slicer: Cura

tools / gear / machines

cnc-mill: Shapeoko-MAX
3D-printer: Artillery Genius