voronoi laptop stand

For people who like to elevate their laptop in style, i designed this voronoi pattern laptop stand.

Created with copper tubing and plywood with phenolic resin coating it raises your laptop to an ergonomic height.
If you cut the copper tubing to size, you can accomodate all sizes of laptops.

project facts

dimensions:362mm x 275mm x 172mm (width x depth x height) fits an XPS 15
material:copper tubing and phenolic resin coated plywood
estimated cost:~7,5€
tools:cnc-mill, metal saw, rubber mallet
build time:1 hour



materialestimated cost
beech plywood wtih phenolic resin coating (600 x 200 x 15mm) 2,5€
copper tube Ø12mm – 1,5m long5€

building process

If you own a cnc, this one is easy as cake.

  1. let the cnc-machine do it´s job and cut the two wood pieces
  2. cut the copper tubing to length while the machine cuts your pieces
  3. remove the wooden parts from the cnc and sand the outer edges (ideally you let the machine do a finishing pass, so you dont have to sand the inner contours)
  4. hammer all the three copper tubes in one side panel
  5. carefully guide the tubing into the other panel and hammer on the side panel with a rubber mallet
  6. if you have got your tolerances right you will have a nice press-fit
  7. done

project pictures


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